Letters to Me Read online

Page 3

You just had your first real date. Not only that, but it was with the guy you have liked forever. He was a perfect gentleman. He took you to see the stars. It was beautiful. He is the best. No matter what, he knows you better than you think! Chill out and enjoy yourself with him.


  Present-day Kimber

  Chapter 4

  It's been one month since he asked me to the dance. It's been one month since everything changed. I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling wondering how all of this fell together. Thinking about how I fell in love with my best friend. I've never been happier in my short life. Tomorrow is our one-month anniversary technically. I am going to Huntsville today to pick out something for him. I have no idea what to get him. I thought about getting him a necklace, but is that too much? Too little? I'm not sure. I am so glad Rachel is coming with me. I am seriously contemplating what I am getting him when Rachel calls. She says she is on her way and that I need to get out of bed.

  "How do you know that I'm in bed?" I ask acting like I’m not laying in bed.

  "You are so predictable. I didn't know, I just guessed." She says sounding a bit preoccupied.

  "You're just a good guesser." I laugh.

  "See you soon!" she says laughing under her breath.

  "Ok be careful." I hang up. I hop out of bed and throw on some comfy shopping clothes. I'm not worried about what I look like today. I have no one to impress. I finish brushing my hair and Rachel knocks on the door. I grab my purse and head out. We laugh and listen to our favorite music all the way to Huntsville. We finally make it to the mall and before we get out, I have to tell her something.

  "Thank you for coming with me. Ever since Jozlyn left for school I have to do everything by myself, and it's been solitary," I say sadly as I wipe a tear away.

  "You never have to do anything alone. I'll always be here if you need me hun." She says and pats my leg.

  "Thanks," I say and truly mean it. We get out and go shopping. I find this keychain with Cole's favorite band on it. I look at the back and it is blank. I ask Rachel what she thinks and she says it is a perfect one-month anniversary gift. I tell her I want to get his initials on the back and she says why not. We make our way to the engraving place in the mall. After a good three-hour shopping spree, we are both proud owners of the keychain, four pairs of earrings, a hoodie, and a pair of shoes that Rachel just had to have. We proceed back home and Rachel drops me off. She has to head home and work on one of her essays for college. She is trying to get into Auburn University. It is so far, and I won't be able to see her as much. It makes me think of my sister and how much I have missed her. She never calls, and she never wants to have anything to do with Momma and me. I don't know what we have done so wrong to make her not want to call us, but one of Momma's friends works on campus and she let Momma know a few days ago that Jozlyn was fine. It still hurts though. I take my stuff to my room and get myself some lunch. I am starving.

  Once I am well fed, and utterly bored I get online to talk to Cole. His away message is up and set to “in the shower” so I send him a message and wait for him to get back. I start to read my book while I am waiting on him. An hour later I wake up with a stiff neck and still no message from him, but I have two from Rachel.

  Hey you there? and then later, I think I’m going to throw a Halloween party.

  That sounds like fun, I write back.

  Maybe have it the weekend before? She asks.

  Sounds good. I type even thought I don’t really care for parties.

  Ok Kimber, what’s wrong? Rachel asks very matter of fact.

  Nothing. I type. Really.

  Don’t give me that crap. I don’t have to be there to know somethings bothering you. Rachel says.

  Cole hasn’t messaged me back, and I sent him something almost an hour and a half ago. I type begrudgingly.

  Just chill he may have gone out. She says with a winking face.

  Yeah, maybe. I type, hoping it’s true. I quickly change the subject. I don't want to be that girlfriend who needs to know where her boyfriend is at all times. I ask her what her plans are for the party. We talk for a few hours and hammer out all the details. We are going to decorate the attic in her house. Well, it's not really an attic more like an upper floor used for storage and slumber parties. We will decorate it all scary and bring some movies and popcorn, and have a good time. The only thing that's different though is that it is going to be a boy/girl sleepover. While I have been to parties before with boys, I have never been to one that was a sleepover. I tell Rachel good night and I am about to go to bed when I hear a ding from my computer. It's Cole.

  Sorry, had some things to take care of. Cole types.

  Oh, ok. That's fine. Are you ok? I ask.

  Yeah, I'm good. I tell him.

  Ok, I just finished helping Rachel make the plans for her Halloween party. Do you want to go? My stomach is in knots. What if he doesn't want to go with me? I'm not sure what I would do.

  That sounds cool. In the attic? He knows the usual parties that Rachel throws are there.

  Yeah, it's a sleepover.

  What? Really? Oh no.

  Yeah I tell him anxiously.


  Yeah... I type wondering where his mind is. The notification at the bottom of the screen indicates Cole is typing. It goes off and just as I’m about to type something else, he starts typing again.

  If you're going, I'm going.

  Ok, are there any movies you want to watch? I ask.

  No, just anything is cool. Typical guy answer.

  What's wrong? You are being mysterious. I ask him wondering what could be on his mind.

  lol, just a little excited to finally get to sleep with you. Wait, what?

  Cole, you've slept in the same bed as me a billion times. I laugh to myself.

  Not as your boyfriend. He says quickly.

  Does it make a difference? I ask.

  Oh, yeah.

  Why? I type. Why is this so different? What am I missing?

  Because our relationship is different.

  lol ok. You are so funny. That’s so vague.

  Kimber, you are my girlfriend. Everything is different now. For the good. My love for you has changed from friendship to something more. He just took my words to Rachel and spit them back at me. Wow.

  I feel the same way. I just don't want to push you away. I don’t want to lose him as a friend or a boyfriend.

  I know how you are, and I know how to handle you. lol I mean, well you know what I mean. Cole types.

  lol I know. I giggle to myself. He has always known me very well.

  You know me better than anyone. You know I run when emotions run high. You keep me grounded; you always have. He is being vulnerable tonight.

  Cole, it's because I care. You have always been there for me too. You have been my rock.

  Speaking of caring, isn't it your bed time? Lol

  lol, yes, but I took a nap when I was waiting for you.

  Aww, I'm sorry babe.

  It's ok, I'm gonna go anyway. I'll see you tomorrow.

  Ok, sweetest dreams my love.

  You too! I sign off, and get up from my desk. It's late. I don't see how he stays up so late. I get a drink of water and head to my room. My phone buzzes and it's a text from Cole.

  Sleep well, I love you.

  Oh. My. God. He loves me? He has said that to me in a friendly way before and a few times while we have been dating, but never meaning what that means. I'm floating. Smiling from ear to ear. I've never felt this way about anyone. I've always had a little crush on him but now....is it true love? I shut off my desk lamp, and stare at my own personal starry sky. I drift off to sleep and dream of the happiest moment in my life thus far. Cole loves me.


  Cole and I are laying together on a blanket in the grass. Our fingers are linked and he has his eyes closed. His eyelids are the color of lavender sprouts in spring time. I am study
ing the sky searching for something or someone. I am not sure what or who. I hear my name over and over. What is that noise? Is that thunder? No.

  “It’s going to rain.” I say as I look towards Cole. He’s gone. Vanished. I jump awake to my momma banging on my bed room door and my alarm going off.

  “Sorry Momma!”

  “It’s ok sweety. Breakfast is on the table. Have a good day at school.”

  “I will, g’night Momma,” I say apologetically. She yawns and walks to her room mumbling something that sounds like alarm clock and staying up late. That was such a weird and confusing dream. I try to shake it off. I get Cole’s keychain and wrap it up really nice. I hope it’s enough. Oh gosh, it’s stupid, but it’s all I have to give. Well, I could be some eye candy for him. I glance at the clock. I have just enough time to get all done up for him. I curl my hair, and put on a little make up. Now, what to wear. I find my dress that I usually save for special nights with Momma.

  I don’t think he has ever laid eyes on me in this outfit. Its royal blue and lace on the bottom and silky white v neck on top and long sleeves. It cuts off right above my knees. There is a skinny brown belt to break up the colors. The bottom of the dress is tight like a pencil skirt. I shimmy on the dress and slip on my dress pumps with the pointy toes. I put on my pearl necklace and I’m ready to go. If this isn’t a present then I don’t know what is. I never wear a dress, especially to school. I carefully climb in my car so I don't mess up my dress. I drive to school and make it just in time for me to park before Cole gets to his parking spot. I slide out walking over the pavement and passing many other students’ cars and finally get to his car. Luckily, he is looking down the whole time and I don't have to worry about a ruined surprise. I knock on his window and he looks up. He rolls his window down.

  "Hey there cowboy, can I get a ride?" I try to sound sweet, but it sounds off.

  "Kimber...what are you wearing?" Cole sounds shocked.

  "A present for you my dear." I slowly turn around giving him full view of his eye candy. Hopefully this makes up for his stupid keychain.

  "You look great. Back up let me out." He gets out of his car and hugs me. He dips me low and kisses me passionately. I feel like we are in one of those old romantic movies. He holds up a box and smiles.

  "This is for my beautiful, funny, caring, and sexy girlfriend," Cole says in a velvety soft town.

  "Where is she?" I say this joking and he gets a serious look on his face.

  "In my arms where she belongs silly." He sits me up and gives me the box.

  "Open it." I lift the lid and inside on a black leather cord is a small blue heart.

  "It is beautiful Cole." This is so much more than I expected. I feel like a bad girlfriend all I got him was a keychain. I dig it out of my purse.

  "Here this is for you." I hand it to him. He opens it quickly.

  "This is awesome, and it has my initials. Thanks babe!" He kisses me softly on the cheek.

  "I know it's not much." I suck at this.

  "It's perfect!" He says. I blush. It seems like he likes it.

  "I'm glad you like it." I smile at him. He pulls me into a huge embrace. I love it when he holds me.

  "Come on we are going to be late," Cole says and drags me up to the school.

  "I will see you soon Cole."

  "I can't wait to see you in history." He kisses my temple and walks away quickly. I get to homeroom and Rachel walks in a few minutes later and she looks at me like I have two heads.

  "Why are you wearing a dress?" she asks under her breath.

  "Anniversary." I mouth.

  "Oh, well you look nice. Some may even say hot." Rachel says whispering and fanning herself.

  "Thanks Rach." I smile shyly. For the rest of the day I get compliments. It makes me feel so self-conscious. I don't know why. Finally, history gets here and I get to see my love.

  "Hey beautiful," Coe says with a smile.

  "Hey," I say and take my seat. Soon Mrs. Jones is in full swing. I am caught up in her story. Halfway through class she says that the lesson for the day is over, but we have a take home test due by Wednesday. Great just what I need in life. Mrs. Jones says we are free to talk quietly. So naturally Cole turns to me.

  "Hey do you think your Mom would care if I came over tonight after practice? I'm going to need help with this quiz."

  "I'll ask and let you know. Did you really like your present?"

  "Yes, both of them." He grabs my hand and hold it gently. "I've never been happier," He says looking into my eyes.

  "Aww honey I feel the same way," I smile. We sit for the rest of the class talking and laughing and soon it's time to get ready to go. I start to gather my things from around my desk.

  "Hey Kimber, what are you doing tonight?" Cole asks. The girl next to me rolls her eyes and loudly leaves the room.

  "I'm doing my homework with you, why?" I ask him curious at what he is getting at.

  "You want to go out for supper?"

  "I'll have to ask momma, but I'll text you and let you know." He looks crestfallen.

  "Okay" he says.

  "I'm sure it will be fine. I'll call her on my way home." He brightens up a little.

  "Cool, I have something planned if you can." He smiles a huge smile.

  "Love you." I kiss him gently on his cheek, and we walk together to my car. He opens the door for me. He looks like a lost puppy. He bends and kisses my forehead gently. He rubs the back of his hand down my cheek.

  "Kimber, be safe and call me when you get home. I love you." He shuts my door and walks away. I dig my phone out of my purse and call Momma. It rings twice and she answers.

  "Kimber is everything ok?"

  "Yes, Momma, I needed to ask if it would be ok if Cole took me out for supper."

  "Yes honey home by ten though, ok?" She is talking quickly.

  "Yes Ma'am. Love you."

  "Love you. Bye honey." She hangs up and still sitting in the parking lot I text Cole.

  Momma said that's fine. Love you what time will I see u? I ask.

  I'll be there at sunset wear something you can climb in love you more.

  What does he have planned? I start my car and make my way through the parking lot. I think about what Cole could have planned that would involve me climbing anything. He knows I am on the clumsy side. However, somehow around him I feel graceful. I feel like a prima ballerina. The whole way home I feel like I'm on a cloud. I don't have a clue what he has planned, but I can't wait to find out. I get home and the house feels so empty. I hate that I haven't talked to Jozlyn since before she left for school. I miss her smart mouth and the time we used to spend together. As I walk through the house and to what used to be our room, I remember all the memories that we have in this home. I walk into our old room, my room, and hunt down my hiking boots. I grab some jeans a tank top, and a sweatshirt and change. I take off my makeup so I don't sweat it off. I make myself a small snack and start on my homework. Surprisingly, I get it done before it is time for Cole to show up. I am still totally clueless about what we are going to be doing. I try not to think about it. As I put all of my books up and get my room cleaned up a little, I get a text. It's Cole and he says he will be at my house in a few. He's early. My heart starts pounding and I can feel my breathing pick up. I'm so ridiculously innocent. Soon I am pacing in the living room waiting for him to get to my house. I continuously look at my phones’ clock and the door. It feels like hours have past when it has just been minutes. I can't stand the wait. I walk to the kitchen and get a glass of water. Walk back. Still no Cole. I want to text him, but he will be here any minute so I wait some more. Finally, I get a text. Look outside. I go to the window and peer out of the curtain. My porch is covered in flower petals and so is the driveway. I look towards the end of it and see Cole standing there in a T-shirt and jeans looking at the house in an expectant way. I open the door and walk out. I'm not sure when I start to cry but as I’m walking towards him, he seems to get more upset. I don't know why

  "Honey why are you crying?" Cole asks me with worry in his voice.

  "Oh, Cole, this is so sweet. Why did you do this?" I ask not believing what I’m seeing.

  "My girl deserves much more than a dozen roses. She deserves a thousand rose petals."

  "Cole..." I can't say anything else. There is a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I hug him tightly to me, and kiss his shoulder. He is running his fingers through my hair and I can feel him smiling.

  "Ok enough mushy stuff. Are you ready?"

  "Yeah just have to lock up."

  "ok I'll come with you." We walk hand in hand up to the porch and i lock the door. I turn to leave and he stops me and holds me close.

  "Why are we so close after only a month together?"

  "I'm not sure maybe because we were such good friends before. We don't have to get to know each other because we already know what there is to know. It's easy." I smile and look up at him. He has concern and something else in his eyes.

  "I love you Kimber Huntley and I always will." He dips me down and kisses me slowly and softly and I melt into a puddle right there on my porch.

  "I love you too."

  "Are you ready to go my dear?"

  "I need to get all these petals up. I don't want Momma to be mad."

  "I actually have a certain friend of ours coming over with her boyfriend to clean it all up, and she even said she would save some for you."

  "Rachel is going to do that for me? How sweet of her. Ok well then, yes I guess I am ready."

  "Right this way darlin'." He holds out his arm and lead me away from the house and cars towards the woods. It is getting dark and I am wondering how much longer it would be before we get to the mysterious destination. We walk past all of the grown-up trees and bushes. I can hear the creek nearby, but can't see it. Then all of the sudden there is a thinning of the trees and there sits the old water tower. No one has used it in years since the new one has been built.

  "I forgot all about this thing!" I say forgetting that I was trying to give him some quite time.

  "Have you ever climbed it?" He asks excited.

  "No." I start to worry so certain it's too dark, out here even more so. How would we see to climb? Cole reaches in his back pocket and grabs a head lamp. He looks at me and smiles a heart wrenching smile.